Tuesday, July 10

What a day...

Work sucks sometimes. I went to a meeting this morning with our local Public Housing Authority. We have a contract with them to do job readiness training and job placement for their residents. It's not always easy, but we do the best we can. Today...there were two "resident council leaders" there, and they were more negative about their fellow residents than we are. You see..it is not a black or a white issue. People have the culture of poverty, and that culture is hard to break through. People have to WANT to make changes in their lives, and that means coming out of their comfort zones. Not only change the way they live their lives, but their mentality as well. How they react, dress, talk, etc.

I came out of the "Projects". I know it is a rough transformation, but I desperately wanted a better life for my children. I have achieved a certain level of success. We have our little house (through Habitat for Humanity), we work and make decent money (for living in the South), our needs and most of our wants are met, but it has taken a lot of learning and changing and just plain hard work. I think people are afraid to attempt to change, because they don't know if they can. They say they don't want to, but I can't imagine anyone NOT wanting to better themselves.

Anyway...it gets depressing sometimes, but if we can help some folks...we are doing okay. Ah well.......

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