Saturday, July 28

Back Awake Again

I am beginning to feel like I am just spending short amount of times between sleep. I do feel perkier this time though. I am waiting for the kids to clean their rooms so we can go to the grocery store. I hear Destiny crying in there, Jamila just came out and told me Destiny is crying because she tried to beat up Lee Lee and Lee Lee wouldn't cry. See when I have my page on FAMILY DETAILS done you can just click there and know who the heck I am talking about the things will make sense to those who aren't regulars ;-).

I guess today is the day I will steal the little icons I love so much from Yard Sale , whom I affectionately call "KIDDO". He has some really neat little icons for AIM and MSN Messenger that he said I could steal a long time ago. I don't have ICQ, but from what I've heard it's too much of a pain anyway.

Guess I better start getting prepared to go shopping........

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