Sunday, July 1

Sunday morning

I have to hurry this entry. I spent my bloggin' time adding a button to the site of the wonderful lady who did this design. She has lots more free, and at a small cost if you have a commercial site. And again, I can't thank Daniel (Blogger Boy) enough for taking so very much time to help me yesterday.

I have to start getting the kids ready to go to church. I want to go to the 9:30 service (did I mention that before), so I have to get them getting ready and do something about breakfast. Maybe scrambled egg sandwiches? I know they want grits though. Shoot! I bet people wonder if all I talk about on this blog is food ;-). To tell you the truth, I spend a LOT of time planning (yeah right) what I am going to feed this Army, cooking, serving, and hollering at Jacob to do the dishes ;-).

I told someone yesterday that I am a GREAT cook, but I can't make a good cup of coffee. Well this morning, the coffee is pretty good. Yesterday, I had the first big cup. Added the water back, and when Leroy got some coffee it was drinkable.

I wonder if I should add something on the sidebar about who people case someone new is's a quick run down on my family........Leroy (my husband) you can see him over there to the right, Jacob (our *almost* 15 year old), George (age 9), Jamila (age 8), Leighanne (*Lee Lee*, age 6), Destiny (our granddaughter, by Joy, age 3, lives with us), and Joy (18, lives elsewhere, in the process of ruining her life), Leroy Jr. (27, Leroy's son by first marraige, lives else where, 6 grandkids from him), Markeda (almost 18, Leroy's daughter from first marraige). That is our immediate family....5 kids at home...You can see pictures of most of them on our picture page. Which reminds me I need to add pictures of Markeda and Leroy Jr.

Okay, I've talked (typed) too to the kitchen Cinderella!

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