Monday, June 11

Well this is Day 6 with no Chardonnay, or for that matter beer, or brandy either. I must admit to feeling considerably better and encourged. Maybe in a couple of days I will admit and post here one of the MAIN reasons for my need to quite drinking (no, I'm not pregnant!). How could you think that ;-)!

Dinner tonight was Beanie Weenies, Fried Potatoes with onions, Salad, and I finally made the Spice Cake with Georgie's help. Leroy isn't home yet. They sent him to a new job site today. Instead of running a Bull Dozer, he was running a Back Hoe. It wasn't as noisey when I called. His dinner is waiting in the microwave.

Girls have already showered. Boys are fixing to do their chores........oh wait......Georgie can't wipe the table off 'til after desert and the spice cake is still warm and can't be frosted..................................okay, ice cream (vanilla and orange sherbert mix) tonight and we can do the spice cake tomorrow. I will frost it later.

By the way......have heard nothing from Joy at all.

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