Saturday, June 9

Well I have ran into a lady who thinks you are not suppose to learn html from looking at the view source of other persons sites, but yet every one I have spoken to has learned html doing just that. I guess it would be diffrent if you linked to their pictures, or stole their background, etc. But to look at their code and learn how to do an email link--one that uses text, i.e Email Jamie Here? I guess we would all be in trouble. And my buddy, Daniel would be the first one who could blow the whistle on me, since he let me have the code to do my little flowers and look at his source for many other things. As a matter of fact, most of the people in my blog list drop down have contributed some little tid bit to this site. If it wasn't for Surreally I would have never known how to add a picture. Hope the code police don't find out ;-)

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