Friday, June 22

I went surfing......

You really know you are getting old when you see web sites by young people (kids), and you know that if they were your children you would be mortified. Can I remember being like that, even as bad as my 18 year old, Joy.? Of course I can, and you know what else. I screwed shit up, almost totally ruined my life. Some would say I did totally ruin my life, but I have at least bounced back some.

I like growing old. I like being married. I love our little home, and even our bad butt kids. I enjoy my job, most of the time. I am optimistic about the changes I am making in my life. I am ready to accept life on life's terms, and deal with the ups and the downs as they come.

Joy update: Can you believe she called? Acted like nothing had happened. I acted with no emotion. I called the payphone back she had called from and it was in Brandon, a suburb about 3 miles from here. I don't want to talk to Joy. I wish she had gone to Ft. Meyers like I had heard she was going to.

I guess I have to feed these people sometime tonight ;-)

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