Sunday, April 1

Okay, you tell me who's right. Leroy told Jacob he could go down the street and shoot his BB Gun (which is fine), but he didn't watch him go down there so Jacob walks down the street with the gun under a towel. Of course, the neighbors down the street call the police. I'm in the house and don't know the police have came to the house. Later on, in a round a 'bout way I find out about it. I asked Leroy why he didn't think it was important to tell me that the police had been called on Jacob. He said he handled it, but I feel like he should have told me immediately. Then, he gets mad at me and cusses. I told him that I would not allow anyone to cuss at me and he could get out of the bedroom with that mess. He stayed in the living room last night, and I went grocery shopping first thing this morning. When I got back, he was outside working in the shed. We haven't spoken this morning. I feel like he owes me an apology!

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