Saturday, August 31

Well............I guess I had no takers for my dirty house huh?? LOLOLOL

I did manage to get all my bills put in Quicken correctly. There are a lot of them! I want to try to get on a debt reduction plan. First, I have to get my husband, Leroy, to give up his and to live within our means.

At least with all this stuff done, I can probably get my school work done. I have 3 papers to write before the class even starts. I managed to get 2 of the school books ordered from the Library and I only had to buy one, so that is a plus. I have a movie to watch for one. She gave us a choice of 3, and I found two at the Library.

Destiny is hooked on Mary Poppins. I think she has watched it 10 times.

Georgie has 2 of his crew spending the night, and Jamila is spending the night at "Aunt Lillie's" house. Lee Lee has been with Daddy (Leroy) all day working on the church grounds.

I cooked Fettucini Hamburger Helper and Corn on the Cob.

Tonight I might be able to get some of the TON of clothes in the chair in the bedroom put away. We have all the clothes washed and piled on one of the couches in the living room.

I rearranged the dining room (where my computer is) to give me more space, and I fixed all my files in my file cabinent.

Not bad, huh?

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