Thursday, August 15

Guess What!!!!!

I'm gonna be a star! LOLOLOLOL. I got an email from a guy with the St. Petersburg Times, Dave Gussow, Personal Technology Editor. He wanted to know about Blogging. I probably talked too much like I usually do!

The question is: Why do we Blog........................why do I blog.......Number one, it's a release, isn't it? Then, maybe someone will read this and know they are not alone. That I, too, have a husband who is a workaholic, that I, too, have teenager problems, that I , too, am a nut case...ROFLMAO

Hey, email me and give me a graphic and I will link to your page from my links page and from here. Who knows, we may get a lot of hits from this....................That's another questions.......................Why do we want hits? Someone will have to help me on that one!

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