Sunday, October 14


Well today seems like a nice day. I'm not feeling too tired, and I think I will bake some bread. What I want to do is make that zuccinni bread that I have a recipe on here for, but I don't have any squash. I do have some bananas though, maybe I'll so something with those.

I bought the kids some hamburger patties yesterday, and Leroy and I some veggie patties, so that's what we are having I guess. Joy called yesterday, she's 7 1/2 months pregnant now. The other girl in their relationship is 5 1/2 months along. I still get tripped out just thinking about it. I took Jacob and Lee Lee to the doc Friday. Jake had a ingrown toe nail that got very inflected and he is on 875 mg Augmentin twice a day, Lee Lee has had problems with back pain for quite a while and they finally ordered some x rays.

George went to a birthday party at the skating rink yesterday. So things are pretty normal around here. I will be teaching my noncustodial parents life and job readiness skills next week. I can always sit down if I need to.

I managed to get Leroy's appt with the liver doc changed to be the same day as me. That way we can just do it together and I will know just what is up with him.

Everyone but me went to the Flea Market, so I think now would be a good time to get some stuff done!

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