Friday, May 3

My Job

You know I get a lot of satisfaction out of my job. Especially if I am doing a GOOD job at it. Today, I have invoicing to do from two contracts; which requires a lot of attention to detail. The I have to research and write a section of a grant we are trying to get for job creation and placement in the inner city.

Now that I am no longer on that freakin' PEG treatment for my Hep C, I can think again. I wasn't even able to do one thing at a time, and was totally unable to multi-task. I like to be able to do my job well, and run my house well. I don't mind this carpal tunnel and pinched nerves in my neck nearly as much as I did just not being able to THINK.

I have to teach my Steppin' Stones -- Job Readiness/Life Skills Training next week at Hillsborough Community College for the noncustodial parent in the Pulling for Progress Class. After my class, they will be taught to do cable installation and be able to make enough money to pay their child support and live. It's really a great program!!

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