Wednesday, January 9


By the time I got home yesterday, Leroy was even sicker so I told him to go to the Doctor's Walk In Clinic. When he got there (Jake went with him), the almost called an ambulance. They thought he had pnuemonia, so he went to the Emergency room. Now, since Leroy just started his job 2 months ago, his new insurance has not kicked in yet so that is going to be a HUGE bill we have to pay. At the hospital, they said he had a chronic broncial infection, gave him IV anti-biotic and steriods. They have him 3 prescriptions that came to $150. I already had a nebulizer from when Lee Lee was little so they gave him stuff to go in that, more steriods, and antibiotics that cost $65 for 7 pills!!!! He is feeling better though, Praise GOD!


The new pain pills I have been taking are working well. I am seeing clients again at work, and am able to accomplish tasks that I was not able to at work for the last couple of months. I actually like work again. Too bad the pain pills are so contriversial (don't ask me what's wrong with my spelling tonight). I like feeling normal again. Wish I could feel that way without drugs!

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