Monday, July 12 in the big city!

Great weekend for us folks! I got Jake's package of stuff off finally. He had asked me to send him some Power Bars and powdered Gator Aide. I had bought them along with his birthday cards BEFORE his birthday on July 5, but just got everything off last Saturday.

I also mailed all the kiddie pictures out to the relatives here and there, but forgot my sister, Paula, and have to go back and make her package up.

Jamila started camp, at the number one Prep school in Tampa, today. She was chosen with 3 other girls out of her school to attend on scholarship. It really is a big deal, and we are very grateful that Jamila can be exposed to that environment.

George with to Wet N Wild with the Parks Dept. Saturday. I have to find a good field trip for Lee Lee to go on that I can afford. Our money is a lot less than it used to be, so we really can't do things the way we have before.

All else is well. I am working on getting everything totally organized at home and work. That is my BIG goal. I also want to finish painting the house. I had started that when I was off work. I still have the paint and stuff.

I would like to do the laundry room in the evening sometime this week. I have borders and all................hope I have the energy!!!

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