Wednesday, November 28

Wisdom of the South, or

Things a True Southerner Knows:

1. The difference between a hissie fit and a conniption fit.
2. Pretty much how many fish make up a mess.
3. What general direction cattywumpus is.
4. When somebody's "fixin" to do something, it won't be long.
5. How good a cold grape Nehi and cheese crackers are at a
country store.
6. Ain't nobody's biscuits like Grandma's biscuits !!
7. A good dog is worth its weight in gold.
8. Real gravy don't come from the store.
9. When "by and by" is.
10. The difference between "pert near" and "a right far piece."
11. Never to go snipe hunting twice.
12. At one point learned what happens when you swallow
tobacco juice.
13. Never to assume that the other car with the flashing turn
signal is actually going to make a turn.
14. You may wear long sleeves, but you should always roll'em
up past the elbows.
15. Rocking chairs and swings are guaranteed stress relievers.
16. Rocking chairs, and swings with an old person in them, are
history lessons.
Rough Night

Yesterday, after my normal noon mtg, sucked! Jake has been screwing up in school. He is NOT a bad child, he had just gotten to the 'teenage' point where he is not communicating with me. His grades are down, but I have established communication with his Algerbra teacher (that is a GOOD thing!) and have emailed his other three teachers. I have been so sick that I have allowed things to slip. I have to keep up. Not easy with medication that kicks your butt, sickness that kicks your butt, five kids, 3 animals, a crazy husband, full time job, etc.

Well......on my way to the Doc. BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEe

Tuesday, November 27

Another Day

I taught my beginner computer class last night again. Got two more folks hooked up with email. Now I think I have gotten all the new students I am going to get so I can start teaching this bunch I have some more. They really enjoy learning.

I need a Graphics program where I can do text images and be able to manipulate it. Anybody have any ideas?? I have Adobe, but don't know how to create what I want. The text for my header on the blog was done by a friend. HELP!!

Monday, November 26

You can visit Otoons - Comics from the world of Osho and his friends and be very impressed.

I live in a neighborhood where there is 2 or 3 children per household. In some cases there are 5 or 6 LOLOLOL. My son, George, hangs out with a group of boys his age. The play the Play Station, throw footballs, go fishing, etc. They are from 9 to 11 years old. Yesterday the whole group came in the house. I was laying on the couch. They brought in a little puppy (who looks like she's gonna get very big). She had the sweetest face. She immediately layed down on me and went to sleep. None of the kid's parents would let her stay. I did.......her name is Molly ;-)!

Sunday, November 25

The Bible in 50 Words!

*God made
*Adam bit
*Noah arked
*Abraham split
*Joseph ruled
*Jacob fooled
*Bush talked
*Moses balked
*Pharaoh plagued
*People walked
*Sea divided
*Tablets guided
*Promise landed
*Saul freaked
*David peeked
*Prophets warned
*Jesus born
*God walked
*Love talked
*Anger crucified
*Hope died
*Love rose
*Spirit flamed
*Word spread
*God remained..
Just watched a good movie about a little boy whose mother dies and he gets hooked up with this white, unemployed man who eventually finds his father and the boys goes and lives with his father. He still loves the white man though.

I've been laying down all day. I'm starting to feel a little better. Ups and downs, that how life is ;-)!
This is a really neatChristmas Gif List
Sunday Morning

Leroy brought me a rose when he got home last night. I'm easy.

Having kind of a rough morning. Will probably stay in bed today.

Saturday, November 24

I'm pissed at Leroy

And I am not even going to say why. I will say he is a turd, doo doo head, poop. I'm hot, it's hot here. I ordered Domino's Pizza, and I am going to eat it all.

Plastic snowmen in the yard. Not one of my children has EVER seen snow. Well I better get my little girls in the bath. I have to get groceries tomorrow. Can you tell I'm not with it this evening???

Send snow to Tampa, Florida.

Friday, November 23

Have you seen the people out there!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not like to shop. I don't like being around a lot of people. Crowds constict me. I get irritated. I want outta there! I did it though. Went to K Mart, Target, and to a boot store. Then we (I took the boys with me) went to Wendy's and had a burger. The boot store had a big sale and Leroy has always said he wanted a pair of cowboy boots, so I got him some snake skin boots. He'll be a REAL black redneck now LOLOLOL!

I am scare to even open the Quicken and start putting the stuff in. Think I will wait until tomorrow. I did get all the grandkids $20 gift certificates from Target, and $75 ones for Markeda and Joy. I got Jake a Buccaneers Starter outfit and a Bucs shirt, and a couple of other things. Got Jamila a Diva Doll, Leighanne a Destiny's Child Barbie, George a CD player, and Destiny a big set of those blocks that attach and make a kitchen. She likes that. Plus other stuff. Underware, socks, shoes, etc.

I still have to get George some decent shoes, a couple of shorts and jeans for Jake. Couple of outfits and small toys for girls. Stuff for my Dad and Jane, Jake's girlfriend Anna, Lilly (my best friend). That should do it. I'm too tired to do anything else. I want to get the Christmas tree next weekend.

Maybe we can go to the drive in movies and see Harry Potter tonight or Saturday night.

I put a lot of stuff on lay-a-way at K Mart but I know that they have already put it back in stock. So I'm gonna go pick up that money, get some savings out of the bank and go Christmas shopping today. Wonder how well I'm gonna hold up LOLOLOL ;-)
Warnings issued about new 'WTC' virus | Computerworld News & Features Story

Thursday, November 22

Thanksgiving Wish

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!!
Some photos that make me thankful!
NYPD Blue Home Page
Alan Sepinwall's NYPD Blue Homepage
Try this!!!! You can actually get paid
Miss Guest Map

I am so honored!!!! I know that sounds crazy, but I am the Miss Guest Map today! That is great! If you go to my world map and go to the link at the bottom left for Miss G Map--------you will find ME!!!


I gotta go cook LOLOL!

Wednesday, November 21

I found delta's domain to be cute!
I am a happy camper!

Four days ladies and gentlemen!! I have four days off work! Is that the bomb or what? I don't feel my best tonight, but just knowing that I have four days off makes everything okay!

Do you want to know what we having for Thanksgiving Dinner? Okay. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, sweet potatoe pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie..................I think I already told everyone this, did I? Jeez, I wonder if I will ever know what I am doing from one minute to the next!!!! I'm freakin' senile!
Have you decided to follow JESUS - HooRay Home Page

I stole this from RedDwarf as usual.
Sweet Potatoe Pie Recipe

I have been getting a few hits for a sweet potatoe pie recipe. I don't have time to put one on my recipe page right now, but if you want to email me (link on the left), I would be glad to get back with you on it. I make a great 'tater pie ;-)!
Good morning!

I've been messin' around a lot on the web. I guess you can tell lololol. It's the first time in a couple of months and really, it's a good thing!

Well today is the last day of work before the holiday! I am SO glad!!

The Guest Map Site Ring !!

The Guest Map Site Ring !!

This site owned by


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Tuesday, November 20

mycoolcam by Anabella!
There is a place for everyone, even --Heartless Bitches . Everyone's opinion is valid, but not everyone agrees with that LOLOLOL.
Wisdom of God
I found a wonderful work in "This Child's Journey". Some of us were NEVER children.
Mrs. Singh
This is X Rated. Albino Blacksheep - Flash / X Fetish Doll Plus it is mainly for men, but I found it interesting. It's like doing paper dolls when you were a kid..........kinda LOLOL!
Is this weird or what!!! MilkandCookies - Fetish
Weblogs.Com: Recently Changed Weblogs
I have finally added another tracker and have posted at Disturbing Search Requests again. I used to do this all the time, but lost intrest in where people were coming from. Yesterday, I noticed that lots of folks were still coming to my site, so I figured I would see what was up again. DSR is how I first got started blogging. I went to by just typing in my first name, and he had a link to DSR. And the rest is old news........the neat part was when I found out I could do this for FREE. Up until that point I had no idea you could do free web pages.

So if you stop by here, welcome! Do whatever it is you feel you want to do, but it would be kinda neat if you signed the guest book or even better if you put a dot on the WORLD MAP.
The Last Page of the Internet
Computer Class

I taught my little computer class last night and it was great. I had 3 students. Minnie, Rita, and Minnie's husband (forgot his name). They each have their email set up on Hotmail, and are learning to send email. I am also going to give them some time for learning typing. I only have an hour a week, so it's kind of limited. I enjoy doing it though, and they seem to enjoy being there. That's what counts.

All is well on the home front. Leroy cooked the kids Oodles of Noodles (Ramen) last night. Did I say that before? Oh, and please remember you can always go to the link on the right to get family details when I am talking about someone ;-). Georgie is heavily involved in the activities at the Recreation Center. There is something going on almost every night. This weekend they are going to go volunteer at the local homeless shelter. They will be helping to organize Holiday donations, etc. Lee Lee's behavior seems to be improving. She still is not doing well in school, but as long as her behavior stays good, we can deal with the other stuff as it comes.. Jamila is the same. Making up songs and dances ;-). Destiny is her normal bossy self. Three years old is a tough age LOLOLOL. Jake is having so problems in his classes at school. He really does not put forth a lot of effort. He waits 'til the last minute and that doesn't work. I have phone calls in to his teachers, but I guess I will have to go down there.

And that, my friends, is the current life of ME. So far, so good. I will now start doing what these people here pay me to do. I want to get all this stuff done before we are out for Thanksgiving! Yes, that's right, I have a FOUR day weekend coming up!!!!

It's a sunny morning in the Big Forest, and the Bear family
is just waking up. Baby Bear goes downstairs and sits in
his small chair at the table. He looks into his small bowl.
It is empty.
"Who's been eating my porridge?" he squeaks.

Papa Bear arrives at the big table and sits in his big chair.
He looks into his big bowl, and it is also empty.
"Who's been eating my porridge?" he roars.

Momma Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from
the kitchen and yells,
"For God's sake, how many times do we have to go through
this? It was Momma Bear who got up first, it was Momma
Bear who woke up everyone in the house, it was Momma
Bear who made the coffee, it was Momma Bear who unloaded
the dishwasher from last night and put everything away, it
was Momma Bear who went out in the cold, early morning air
to fetch the newspaper, it was Momma Bear who set the table,
it was Momma Bear who put the cat out, cleaned the litter box,
and filled the cat's water and food dish.
And, now that you've decided to drag your asses downstairs
and grace Momma Bear's kitchen with your grumpy presence,
listen good, cause I'm only going to say this one time ...

Monday, November 19


Well, Blogger says publishing is temporarily unavailable. So I'm gonna see if I can at least post and then publish later. I am at the location where I am suppose to hold my class. I hear them coming, so I better get ready ;-)!
Women Who Believe
I have found the GOLD: The Official Ramen Home Page. You can always count on Ramen Noodles.
Check out this new web log I found. I kinda like this guy's opinion out of the couple of posts I have read.

Take the Affliction Test Today!

Link Stolen from Red Dwarf, of course!

We had a good weekend. Went to the Tampa Bay Lightening Hockey game Saturday evening. It was actually a lot of fun! I have felt better lately Thank God! I even cooked a big dinner last night. We had Baked Chicken with Italian bread crumbs, yellow rice with onions, bell pepper and potatoes, corn, and salad. I made a deep dish sweet potatoe pie for dinner. It was great.

I have to teach a computer class after work today. So that calls for a long day ;-)!

Friday, November 16


I have spent the last four days teaching my noncustodial parents how to fill out an application and how to interview. I only had to teach in the A.M. and used the rest of the day for work related email and phone calls. I felt decent yesterday and pretty good today. It was a beautiful day, with PERFECT weather.

I went grocery shopping before I got home so I don't have to do it this weekend when I am not going to feel good from the shot tonight. I am going to let the kids do their own thing for dinner. I am going to go take a bath and go to bed as usual.

I did buy our Turkey today though!!!! A 22 pound Butter Ball. Maybe my buddy Kindly Rat will make his way to Tampa for dinner LOLOLOLOL!

Tuesday, November 13

Back to Work

I had a very lazy three day week end. We did go to church Sunday. The only problem was we had to slip out after 4 hours. The kids were very uncomfortable and everyone was hungry. We enjoyed it, it just lasted too long. Leroy wants to start going to Crosstown Community Church and I think that is a great idea. They have the same service on Friday nights as they do on Sunday mornings, so if you want to free up your entire weekend you can go on Friday nights ;-)! The service only lasts an hour and they give good info.

I am teaching my Job Readiness Training to the Non-custodial parents this week, plus I have to teach a computer class for an hour this evening. Maybe no one will show up and I can go home LOLOLOLOL. I do want to show folks how to access the Internet though. There is a lot of info out there, that lots of folks don't know how to get to.

Saturday, November 10


Leroy is at work, which is a good thing in some ways. I am feeling the after effects of my PEG shot last night. The kids were taking advantage of my weakness, so I got enough energy up to get up and knock some heads together.

Trying to get this house clean. Little house + Lots of kids = Big MESS!! I am able to open the windows though and let the fresh air in and that is a plus. Sometime this weekend I have to go through the girls' closet and drawers and bag the stuff that they can't wear anymore and pass them on to the next smallest kid in the neighborhood. Someone just gave me three big bags and I got through those, and passed some of those on too. It's ongoing!!!

Friday, November 9


I plan to take it slow today. I have tons of stuff to do, but I am coming up on a three day weekend and that is a good thing. I have to meet with the director of programs at the county jail today to see if I can do a job readiness training at the work release center. I also have to take Jake and Jamila to the Dentist. George and Lee Lee went a few weeks ago and had no cavities. Hope it works out as well for these two. I DO have a cavity and have an appt on Jan. 4 to do that. I am the BIGGEST chicken in the whole world when it comes to dentists.

Thursday, November 8

Check this out! Stolen from Red Dwarf , as usual!
Brighter Day

I don't know if it is the more mg of Paxil or because it is 6 days since I had my shot, but I feel better today. I like going to bed early and getting up early. That works for me. I was in bed at 6:30 last night and asleep by 8:30. Up at 5 a.m. I even made the kids oatmeal this morning!

Leroy likes his new job, but I think he is getting a sinus infection. He was just at the Doctor's office Monday and didn't tell them a thing about it, now he wants me to call them to see if I can get some antibiotics. He is such a baby. Why couldn't he have told them Monday!

Oh well........better get to work.....
This is a friend of mine's web site, he is a clown that calls himself Punch!!!

Wednesday, November 7

Against the Odds
Day by Day

I actually cooked dinner last night. We had pasta with Basil Pesto and cornbread stuffing. I know it sounds weird, but it was good!

Leroy started his new job yesterday. The one that would have paid an extra 3 dollars an hour didn't come through, but he got another one making the same amount, so we will be okay. I hope we start getting some checks in soon from the side jobs because our bank account is almost at rock bottom.

I'm going to a conference the beginning of December for a week. Now that should be fun (NOT), if I don't have internet access, you will find me panicing!

Monday, November 5

Interview With God
Lousey Weekend

I had a terrible weekend. I'm not going to get into it right now, but it was rough. I'll see if I have time to elaborate later.

Thursday, November 1


And boy am I glad! Jake is making the kid's Bologna and cheese sandwiches and I am going to lay down. Think I will have a cheese sandwich. I miss my couch ;-)!
Play a quick game of GREED. Another link stolen from Red Dwarf !!!
My pig's name is Pooter. I am now in SwineOnline: Prize Porkers - Leaders of the Pack. Right now I am number 3. Don't know if that will stick, but it's quite an accomplishment for me ;-)!
I Am The Flag