Monday, March 26

Have to take a little break. Working hard today and my brain feels kind of mushy. I'm trying to write a grant that will allow our office to be networked and get a DSL line. This will also allow our clients in the Career Resource Center to have Internet access for assessment, training, and job placement opportunties. Really poor people just don't have the same opportunities as the rest of the population, and in working with the CDC of Tampa, which is a non-profit organization, we can work on bridging that gap.

I'm going to leave work at 3:30 today. I have been here since 7:30 and have worked straight through. I want to go buy me a new dress to wear to the Aretha Franklin concert Leroy and I are going to see tonite. It's Leroy's Birthday. He's 49. I gave him a pretty good birthday present last night too, and I sure couldn't tell he was 49 ;-)!

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