Thursday, February 22

Now I have a chance to run my mouth or should I say fingers. I, naturally, will start by talking about my children. I have given birth to 6 children. Joy my oldest is 18, she was a problem child; got pregnant at 14; had her baby at 15; went to Job Corp; started doing better; got her GED and CNA; came home; got a car, job and an apartment; moved out; left my grand daughter Destiny with me. Destiny is almost 3 and thinks she runs the whole household. I have a 14 year old son name Jacob (blonde hair, blue eyes). He is in his first year of high school and his grades suck. He's a good kid though, it's either be good or I kill him ;-). The there is 9 year old George. George is biracial, big for his age, and would be fine if only he wouldn't whine so much. Jamila is almost 8, does really well in school, is beautiful and popular. I wish she would keep her room clean ;-). Then there is Leighanne, who we call Lee Lee. She was born when I was just 5 1/2 months pregnant; only weighed 1 pound 3 ounces and got down to 15 ounces at one point. She had less than a 5% chance to live and she is running me crazy at 6 years old. She is a loving child. Then............I had one daughter who was adopted. Do I regret that decision..........HELL YES. But it's done now. I recently married the love of my life. I had had so many sorry men, I just couldn't imagine how much better life could be with a "Real Man". We got it going on ;-

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