Wednesday, April 6

An American Housewife

I have to go back to this one and look around more. Seems like my kind of lady...........................

I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Can you believe it?

A few folks want me to keep on talking on here. Hmmmm..............

You see I can't use this the way I used to because people (my kids) may see it. How can I try to be friends with Joy and her Boyfriend if I tell you how much I wish that she weren't living that way. Then I can't even really say what "that way" is.

I guess I can still talk bad about Jake, but there is nothing bad to say. My baby is in DC, marching and looking handsome at 8th and I. Somehow that makes me feel guilty too, but I am just glad he is safe.

He came down for the 3 day weekend on the 25th. Daddy's birthday was March 26th so he was able to spend time with him. It was good.

Jessica and him finally got around to get with the Pastor to discuss their wedding plans. I am happy about that. I don't even know if Jake asked the Pastor to perform the ceremony or not. I know Jessica is still looking for a location, so they must not have discussed it.

Oh I could go on and on and on and on and on...................