Friday, November 19

Jake is going to Washington DC. He WILL be in Athinon (probably spelled wrong). It may be called Honor Guard too, but I am not sure.

I got an email from Joy today. It was really nice to hear from her. She won't tell me her address and I am truly concerned that there will be an emergency and no one will be able to contact her. I really wonder what is up with that.

Did I tell you I go to the nut doc now. I'm not as mean as I used to be.

You know God REALLY does answer prayer.

Friday, November 12

I believe that I told you that Leroy had spent 25 years of his life in prison, and was on parole til the year 2042. Anway, we went before the parole board in Tallahassee Wednesday, and they terminated the rest of his parole!!!! It's a miracle and by the Grace of God. Leroy and I both broke down in huge sobs right in front of everyone. I have never seen my husband like that before. It was wonderful. Thank the Lord!!

Tuesday, November 2

Well............I voted. It took me 3 hours yesterday in the Library, but I did it.

I took me a lot longer than that to even choose to vote at all, I was so confused. I finally had to do some real soul searching. I can't vote for someone just based on whether or not Jake would have to go to Iraq.

I have to think of the overall good of our country.